If you're curious about the history of your Greeneville or Greene County property, here's a guide to get you started.
1. Obtain a Property Record Card:
Where: Greene County Government Executive Offices
204 N. Cutler St.
Greeneville, TN 37745
Phone: (423) 798-1738
What is it? A record containing details like the property's age, size, appraised value, and deed history.
2. Access Past Deeds:
Where: Register of Deeds Office
204 N. Cutler St.
Greeneville, TN 37745
Phone: (423) 798-1726
What to bring: Your Property Record Card.
3. Explore Historical Records at the Cox Library:
Once you have previous owner names, the library can help you find information such as books about the family, property, community or newspaper articles.